
_It,had .been abandoned a few years ago*. - .. ,
... TLet’s.go lor a. jay ride I"she whispered as If the whole
...eWorld, were listenings -.. 7:_,
" "hati'.'I burst out.
"A joy rideil 'no,.you steal a van,tale It cruising;around
town and...." _____. v.^.______ .. _/ ______________________________
L . "I know what a joy ride is,you don't have to explain to me.
Why,though?"I said quickly. . ,. ‘ -
MBecausc,if we can't stay in that restaurant,we should be 7 able to. have some fun,right?" 7'■»
I have to. admit,her words did make me cogitate,for a change-. I thought about how that wierd guy just kicked us out of the ire
.without saying; please .The name of the place turned me on even more.The. restaur aunt was called, "Joy Ride. "That convinced me to get into the van.I .couldn't drive,so I left that to her,who didn't know how to drive either.It was still day light,and I convinced her to wait until dark.That way, no one could see our faces . and we wouldn’t have to worry about any relatives seeing us..
Some witling who owned the van left the keys under the sunshade,, and after dark,we drove off into the darkness.I didn’t want to. be there,I didn’t want to be in on stealing a vantand most of all,I knew I would feel guilty about it later.I’d say to myself, "What did you do that fo.r?Idiot I You just broke a commandment and you knew, it you mentally defective.That was that for?"But I also, knew that I was going to have a riotous time,even if I ,am sinning.I guess this is the joys and rewards -of sin and the .pains of sin both in action at the same time.I knew that Paula didn’t care, if she liquidated everyone in Tampa.All she wanted to do was have a good time..
.. .After it got dark,it seemed to me like she wa.s turning into. a vampire or something.She looked at me and smiled from ear to ear.When she did that,her teeth seemed to glitter in the moonlight like sparklers.lt made me want to tear this van through evQ.ry building in town.Paula had a way of doing that to almost
everyone,which is why she usually gets what she v/ants all the time.All I could think about while I wasn't under her spell was t
- Author
- mark thomas